NM Court of Appeals Schedules April 23, 2014 2:00 PM Hearing
April 17, 2015 - Jen Laws
The New Mexico Court of Appeals has scheduled a hearing at the Pamela B. Minzner Law Center on Wednesday, April 23, 2014. The oral argument is open to the public and begins at 2:00 P.M.
A three-judge panel will preside: Chief Judge Roderick Kennedy, Judge Michael D. Bustamante ('74), Judge Linda M. Vanzi ('95).
Following are the details of the case:
UTTI ATHERTON, LAURA JARAMILLO, JOHN DOE 1-99 AND JANE DOE 1-99, PlaintiffS-Appellees, represented by Robert (Tito) Meyer and Kenneth L. Beal
STATE OF NEW MEXICO, EX REL., GARY KING, ATTORNEY GENERAL, represented by Tonya Noonan Herring, Rebecca C. Branch, Ismael L. Camacho
MICHAEL J. GOPIN, D/B/A LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL J. GOPIN, Defendant-Appellant, represented by Caren I. Friedman and Robert J. Gorence
Appellant seeks review of the Third Judicial District Court's granting of partial summary judgments, interpretation of the Unfair Practices Act, and finding that Appellant must repay gross tax receipts as part of damages/restitution in a case involving violations of the Unfair Practices Act and the unauthorized practice of law.
For more information, contact Nora Gonzales at 505-841-4618.