NM Court of Appeals Schedules Feb. 26 Hearing
February 1, 2010 - Jen Laws
The New Mexico Court of Appeals has scheduled a Feb. 26 hearing at the new Court of Appeals Pamela B. Minzner Law Center, adjacent to the UNM School of Law. The oral argument begins at 2 p.m. and is open to the public.
A three-judge panel will preside: Judge Michael Bustamante (`74), Judge Celia Foy Castillo (`81) and Judge Michael Vigil (`77).
Following are the details of the case:
Janie Andujo et. al, Plaintiffs-Appellees, represented by Wesley C. Jackson (`05)
Pulte Homes of New Mexico, Inc., et al., Defendants-Appellants, represented by Kristina E. Martinez (`06)
Defendants-Appellants argue that non-signatory plaintiffs, as third-party beneficiaries, are bound by the arbitration clause in the contract between the plaintiffs-appellees and the defendants-appellants.
Appellants’ Brief in Chief
Appellees' Answer Brief
Appellants’ Reply Brief
For more information, contact Nora Gonzales at 505-841-4618.