NM Court of Appeals Schedules June 20 Hearing
June 14, 2012 - Jen Laws
The New Mexico Court of Appeals has scheduled a hearing at the Pamela B. Minzner Law Center on Wednesday, June 20, 2012. The oral argument is open to the public and begins at 10:00 am. A three-judge panel will preside: Chief Judge Celia Foy Castillo (’81), Judge Michael E. Vigil and Judge Linda M. Vanzi (’95).Following are the details of the case:
ORION TECHNICAL RESOURCES, LLC, Plaintiff-Appellant, represented by David Freedman, David H. Urias
LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL SECURITY, LLC, and COMPA INDUSTRIES, INC., Defendants-Appellees, represented by Luis G. Stelzner, Robert Warburton, Sara Sanchez, Allegra Hanson, Carolyn Callaway, Richard L. Alvidrez
Appellant states that the trial court was incorrect in finding that a contract-in-fact could not arise between two private companies in the context of bidding and procurement.
Appellant’s Brief in Chief
Appellee Los Alamos National Security's Answer Brief
Appellee Compa Industries' Answer Brief
Appellant’s Reply Brief to Los Alamos National Security
Appellant’s Reply Brief to Compa Industries