NM Court of Appeals Schedules February 29 Hearing

February 27, 2012 - Jen Laws

The New Mexico Court of Appeals has scheduled a hearing at the Pamela B. Minzner Law Center on Wednesday, February 29, 2012.

The oral argument is open to the public and begins at 10:00 am.

A three-judge panel will preside: Judge Jonathan B. Sutin (`63), Judge Roderick Kennedy and Judge J. Miles Hanisee.

Following are the details of the case:

WILLIAM “MACK” VAUGHAN, Plaintiff-Appellant, represented by Stephen Durkovich, Nikko Harada, Ray M. Vargas II, Erin O’Connell


ST. VINCENT HOSPITAL, INC., Defendant-Appellee represented by William P. Slattery, Dana S. Hardy.

Plaintiff-Appellant challenges the trial court’s finding of summary judgment for the Defendant-Appellee, stating that their claim against the hospital administration was both properly pleaded and supported by the evidence.

Appellant's Brief in Chief
Appellees' Answer Brief
Appellant's Reply Brief

For more information, contact Nora Gonzales at 505-841-4618.