NM Court of Appeals Schedules October 17 Hearing

October 14, 2011 - Jen Laws

The New Mexico Court of Appeals has scheduled a hearing at the Pamela B. Minzner Law Center on Monday, October 17, 2011. The oral argument is open to the public and begins at 2 pm.

A three-judge panel will preside: Chief Judge Celia Foy Castillo ('81), Judge Jonathan B. Sutin (`63), and Judge Roderick Kennedy.

Following are the details of the case:

PINCHUA ZHAO, Appellant, represented by Stephanie Dzur and Clinton Marrs


KAREN L. MONTOYA, BERNALILLO COUNTY ASSESSOR, Appellee, represented by Duff Westbrook and Maureen Sanders

Consolidated with

GREGG VANCE FALLICK and JANET M. FALLICK, Appellants, represented by Gregg Vance Fallick


KAREN L. MONTOYA, BERNALILLO COUNTY ASSESSOR, Appellee, represented by Duff Westbrook and Maureen Sanders

Appellants argue that property tax reassessments done at the time of acquisition of residential property and calculated off of the property value violate the constitutional provision capping such tax increases at 3%.

Appellant's Brief in Chief
Appellees' Answer Brief
Appellant's Reply Brief

For more information, contact Nora Gonzales at 505-841-4618.